Located next to the Soesterberg Military airport, the future of the Joachim Kramer family spread across the Atlantic Ocean to the United States of America.
After WW2 the Dutch Government made Soesterberg Airfield available to the United States Airforce which resulted in the establishment of Camp New Amsterdam home of the 87 Fighter Squadron. Young Klaas Kramer loved the arrival of the Americans as they provided the pocket money needed to purchase those items that were not otherwise available. Klaas had to work for the extra guilders and became to local ground maintemance boy, baby sitter and "general contractor". Additional income was earned by collecting empty beer bottles the airman would throw into the woods on their way back to the barracks.
When Klaas left for the United States in 1963 at the invitation of the squadrons flight surgeon and his wife, Dr. David and Gerry Thurston, he also left behinh his family tree. Finally after retirement in the United States he seems to have found time to develop this archive
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